April, 22 2015

Why an SSL Certificate is important for your web store?

Why SSL is important for your web store.

Web-site owners, who make researches on the Internet and visit a web-site with green bar on it, might wonder if this is a really necessary tool on their own web-sites.

Nearly all online customers are concerned about their confidentiality and security of their personal data on the web site they purchase.

The SSL Certificate

An SSL Certificate is a tool that guaranties the information transmission between the end-user and the web-site, ensures the private sensitive data such as credit card numbers or bank account numbers and passwords.

How does SSL cert work?

An SSL Certificate on the web-site encrypts the information at the time of its transmission thus the only person capable to decrypt this information is the target one.

Why should you install an SSL Certificate on the e-commerce website?

CyberSSL.com gives web-site owners a few reasons to have the green bar on their site:

  • A ranking boost of the web-site in the search engines. Google announced they will give an advantage to the HTTPS web-site as a sign of a high quality made content.
  • On-line businesses’ testimonials of the EV SSL Certificate successful employment on their web-sites.
  • The psychological significance of the green color. Green oppositely to red denotes safety, stability and reliability.
  • The green bar on the web-site assures customers about the web-site’s as well as company’s trustworthiness. The issuance process of an EV SSL certificate evolves ample verification of the company’s identity and this is the reason why the customers should be ensured of the enterprise’s integrity.
  • The Extended Validation SSL Certificate displays the company name on the address bar.
  • The EV SSL Certificates with the displayed green bar are the symbols of the security on the Internet. 

An e-commerce web-site

For an e-commerce web-site the website owner is totally responsible for the customers’ collected and stored information protection. This is a shield for customers’ credit cards details or passwords. If an identity stealer obtains the personal sensitive customers’ information, the consequences could be disastrous not only for the customer but also for the website owner.  The customers necessitate the insurance that the web-site owner recognize the full worth of their safety and confidentiality and take significant measures in protecting sensitive personal data. Step by step, day by day, the online customers are becoming cleverer and they will not purchase from the web site which has no SSL certificate installed.

Using a POS machine

The web store which collects and stores credit cards or other sensitive clients’ details in a database and manages it manually as well as processes it with a point-of-sale (POS) machine has an obligatory need to install an SSL certificate. It is essential to have care about the servers storing the credit cards details.

PayPal and Google Checkout accounts on the web-store

Payment processors such as PayPal and Google Checkout use their own SSL certificates.  If you have an account of these payment systems on your web-store, than you shall have no concern of billing information interception; you and your customers could be carelessly about private information safety.  In this case, your site will have no contact with credit cards’ details. Nevertheless, if you accept and receive personal information and credit card details, you absolutely need to install an SSL certificate.

A login form on the web-site

The existing login form on the unsecured web-site puts at risk the customers, as they type directly their name and passwords. Some of end-users use the same login names and passwords in all of their accounts, including the social websites or the bank websites to an easier management of their accounts.  With no SSL certificate installed on the website, any attacker can easily see the customer’s login name and password as plain text. Therefore, the attacker can pretend to be another person and can use this information to cause among others losses, purchase products, make money transfers, read personal email. 

CyberSSL.com gives some recommendations for a safer login form implementation on the web-site:

  • The developer shall make a separate login page that can be accessed only with https://;
  • Implement the https on the homepage when the login form is included.

There are other options to make a secure login form on the website, such as using the facebook or Twitter account, or an OpenId form.  Nevertheless, without an SSL certificate on the website, the customer is unsure and has a negative impression about the website security.

Shared SSL certificates

Website owners have the option to use a shared SSL certificate. Nevertheless, these kinds of certificates are effective only on the website with no mistakes. Thus, the name of the company’s website will not be displayed on the address bar as well as it can show some errors.  Thus, the shared SSL certificates do not provide an ample end-users’ insurance.

For an online seller, the SSL certificate is an indispensable tool as it makes secure the online transactions and increases customers’ trust.  This is an investment for the business prosperity, for high customers’ trust and fidelity boost.

CyberSSL.com proposes SSL certificates for different websites and gives the opportunity to choose the most appropriate for your web-site at different prices.  

Find more about CyberSSL.com offers here: https://www.cyberssl.com/ssl-certificates.

If you want to purchase a cheap SSL certificate, we can help you to choose one here: https://www.cyberssl.com/blog/cheap-ssl-certificates