Secure Your Software with Code Signing Certificates

A Code Signing Certificate eliminates warning messages for your applications by enhancing the security of your code. Through digital signing, it assures your customers that your software is authentic and secure.

Digicert provides codesigning certificates for both companies and individuals. Fastest codesigning certificate activation. 24/7 Premium Support Team

Issue Time - 7 days World Class Support

$650.00 per year
Buy Digicert EV CodeSigning

Digicert provides codesigning certificates for both companies and individuals. Fastest codesigning certificate activation. 24/7 Premium Support Team

Issue Time - 1 day World Class Support

$330.00 per year
Buy Digicert CodeSigning

Sectigo is a well known brand which provides inexpensive codesigning certificates for both companies and individuals. Being a low-cost provider, Comodo supports digitally-signed 32-bit and 64-bit programs on different platforms.

Issue Time - 7 days Avarage Support

$250.00 per year
Buy Sectigo CodeSigning

Our CodeSigning Certificates support the following platforms

Microsoft® Authenticode®

Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Azure, Microsot Phone (Digitally sign 32- and 64-bit user-mode (.exe, .cab, .cat, .ctl, .dll, .ocx, .msi, .xpi and .xap files) installation/library files.


Codesigning for .jar applets for desktop and mobile. Recognized by Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Mac / Apple®

Codesigning for Apple Mac desktop applications.

Adobe Air®

Digital Signing for Air-based applications (.air, .airi)

Microsoft Office VBA®

CodeSigning for all Microsoft Office scripts and macros. (.xls, .doc, .ppt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx) and third-party applications VBA.

CyberSSL provides a Platform For Managing All Your Certificates

CyberSSL will help you obtain a suitable codesigning certificate for you application regardless of the platform used. You will be able to sign the certificate using the certificate signer portal for any type of applicaton listed above. However, the certificate signer might work only in Windows Operating System.

Protect Your Customers

By using a Code signing certificate, your customers will be confident that your software is safe, authentic and verified. Thus, you attract more customers and gain more sales

Detect modified files

A codesigning certificate detects modified files in case your code is signed properly. Even after the expiration date of the certificate, the user will be told that the application is signed with a valid certificate and the code wasn't modified.

Partner Requirements

Using code signed software is the best way to protect your customers from hackers and malicious software. That would be highly appreciated by your partners. Often, using a Codesigning Software is a requirement by software distributors.

Building a trustworthy application

Users would expect installing your software from a trusty source. Neglecting the use of a codesigning certificate may affect your reputation.

Remove unexpected warning messages

Your customers encounter warning messages, if your software is not properly signed. Remove all the unexpected warning messages that might appear by using a quality codesigning certificate.

Microsoft's SmartScreen® Filter

EV Codesigning certificates establish immediate trust with Microsoft SmartScreen reputation, with no further warnings. The process of the software installation for your customers would be smoother than ever.

Increased Security

A codesigning certificate adds an additional layer of protection to your application. It will protect your code's integrity against any kind of security threats such as malware, trojans, viruses, theft.

Increase Adoption

Your Customers might become excessively suspicious when installing a software from an unknown publisher. Using a CodeSigning Certificate means that your code's integrity as well as your identity are verified by a trusted third party, so your customers will be out of fear while installing a digitally signed application; this fact increases the adoption rate of your software.

Why Use a Code Signing Certificate?

A Code Signing Certificate is essential for any software developer or company that distributes software over the internet. By digitally signing your code, you provide an added layer of security and assurance, ensuring that your software is not tampered with and is safe for users to download and install.

Key Benefits of Code Signing Certificates:

  1. Eliminate Warning Messages: Untrusted software prompts security warnings that can deter users from installing your applications. A Code Signing Certificate removes these warnings, giving your users confidence in your software.

  2. Ensure Software Integrity: Digital signatures verify that the code has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed. This ensures that users receive the software exactly as you intended.

  3. Build User Trust: When users see a digital signature, they know that the software comes from a verified source. This builds trust and increases the likelihood that they will download and use your software.

  4. Comply with Industry Standards: Many platforms and operating systems require software to be digitally signed. Code Signing Certificates help you comply with these requirements, avoiding installation issues and enhancing compatibility.

  5. Boost Your Reputation: A digitally signed software product demonstrates professionalism and commitment to security, enhancing your reputation in the market.

How Does Code Signing Work?

  1. Generate a Key Pair: When you purchase a Code Signing Certificate, you generate a public and private key pair. The private key is used to sign the code, while the public key is included in the certificate.

  2. Sign Your Code: Using your private key, you digitally sign your software. This process adds a unique digital signature to your code.

  3. Distribute Your Software: When users download your signed software, their system uses the public key to verify the signature. If the signature is valid, the software installs without security warnings.

Types of Code Signing Certificates:

  1. Standard Code Signing Certificates: Ideal for individual developers and small businesses. Provides basic security features and removes warning messages.

  2. Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing Certificates: Offers the highest level of security, including strict vetting processes. EV certificates provide immediate reputation with Microsoft SmartScreen.