February, 28 2015

2048 BIT - minimum supported ssl key standard

SSL Certificates use both asymmetric(RSA 2048bit KEY) and symmetric(256bit) methods to establish a secure communication between the web-site and the web-browser.

Imporant: 1024bit keys are not supported anymore by web-browsers and operating systems, because they are considered weak and insecure.

SSL implements the asymmetric algorism to authenticate the host with a RSA 2048-bit key or 4096-bit size key.

The symmetric method, that has 256bit encryption, mainly is applied for data tranmission, when the bridge is already established.

Since January first, 2014, the 1024-bit public/private keys are considered to be no longer secure, and the SSL Certificates issued subsequently, must use at least a 2048-bit key to secure the communication and data transmission.

Therefore, to defend the Internet security, the cybersecurity industry has moved to the 2048-bit key encryption.
All the certificates with a key less than 2048-bit are exposed to be prejudiced by hackers.
That means CyberSSL.com certificates are trustworthy and secure.

Here are the least of all possible supported encyption SSL algorithms:

Minimum supported size of SSL Keys Size Ratio
Security (bits) DSA RSA ECC RSA/DSA to ECC
112 2048 2048 N/A 1:09
128 3072 3072 256-383 1:12
192 7680 7680 384-511 1:20

RSA 2048-bit certificates are still secure, most widely used and are supported by all certificates authorities.