sectigo big ssl picture

Comodo Premium Wildcard SSL

Site Seal:
  • Verified Company Details in SSL
  • Installation on your hosting/server*
  • SSL Boosts Your Google Ranking
  • End-user warranty: $250,000
  • Secures: secures all subdomains
  • Server licensing: unlimited
  • Supported web-browsers: 99.5%
  • Secures both with/without 'www.': Yes
  • Verification: secures all subdomains
  • Documents: registered company required
  • Issue time:1-7 days**
  • Key encryption: RSA 4096, ECC 384
  • Hash function: SHA2: SHA256
  • Certificate encryption: Up to 256-bit
  • Recommended retail price: $449.95
  • Trust level:
  • Site seal type: Dynamic
Best Offer
$ 50
per year
Duration Price you Save
1 year $165.8/y 0%
2 years $145.4/y 12%
3 years $138.63/y 16%
4 years $124.95/y 25%
5 years $123.08/y 26%
* Our Team will install the certificate on your webhosting/server that supports third-party SSLs.
SSL configuration for your website to work properly with SSL costs $50
Installation on the hosting/web service that doesn't support SSL costs $99 per year.

** In some cases, the SSL issuance process requires an additional 72 hours for manual data verification.